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Congratulations, The Access To My Instant Underwriting Tool Was Sent To You!

⚠️WAIT! You’ve Been Selected To Join Grant's VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass!

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Here is what is waiting for you inside...

Here is what is waiting for you inside...

 VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass  ($3000)
​ NOI Calculation Masterclass (Value: $1000)
 Write A Great Offer Masterclass (Value: $1000)
 Leverage Other People’s Money Masterclass (Value: $1000)
 1on1 Strategy Call With Grant's Team (Value: $1000)

Total Value: $7,000


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Want to unlock The Full VERSION OF THIS CLASS?

[ Read on to find out how ]

Dear Real Estate Investor,

Not so long ago, I ran a series of real estate deal workshops for a top group of ambitious investors.

Each of them paid me $3,000 for the opportunity.

And they learned an insane amount about how to become a successful real estate investor during their 4 days of coaching with me.

Now, on Day #2 of that coaching masterclass series, I guided them through probably the most valuable training of all:

How to underwrite a real
estate deal like a pro

How to underwrite a realESTATE DEAL LIKE A PRO

I held nothing back in that training
(you’ve just seen a small snippet of it in the video above).

They got the full benefit of my 30 years’ experience in
the real estate game…

And they got to watch first-hand as I underwrote a
556-unit property deal I was involved in.

I walked them through every last step of my deal…

And I went into great detail on all the little-known secrets you need to know when you’re underwriting deals of your own.

Secrets such as:

  • The SMARTEST way to increase a tenant’s rent (so you can add $100,000’s to your ROI)
  • Sneaky behavior you can expect from residents (and how it could impact the value of your property – unless you prepare for it)
  • The changes you should make to the deal math that could net you 50%+ returns (no other investment on earth can get you returns like these as reliably…) 
  • ​Why cashflow is the single most important number to track when you’re underwriting a real estate deal (and what you should do to maximize it!)
  • ​The PROVEN way to snowball from one deal into the next (with this method, you’re only 2-3 deals “removed” from making millions of dollars!)

PLUS I showed them loads more.

The training lasted for 1 hour & 24 minutes.

By the time that training session was over, the attendees knew they could walk around any neighborhood in the world… pick out any property they liked…

And within 20-30 seconds, they’d know exactly how much they’d have to pay for it to get the return on investment they want (and barely any of that money would need to come from their own pocket).

That kind of knowledge gives you control over your financial future.

That kind of knowledge gives you power.

And my Instant Underwriter has given you a step toward taking some of that power for yourself…
But, look:
Even the most powerful tool can only get the job done with 100% accuracy if there’s a skilled operator using it…

Someone who knows how to MAKE something with it.
And that’s what my Mentees learned in that VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass:

They learned how to become great REAL ESTATE DEAL MAKERS

I dedicated 4 days out of my busy schedule to make sure that happened for them. Now up until today.

That VIP training has been locked away inside my premium content vault.
Only my Mentees have been able to access it…

But right now – because you’ve downloaded my Instant Underwriter, and you’ve committed to becoming a great Deal Maker yourself…

I’m making that VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass available to you today in a special one-time deal.

You WON’T be paying $3,000 for it though. Not even close to that amount.
You won’t have to pay $2,000… $1,000… or even $500…

In fact, you won’t even have to pay a couple hundred bucks for it!
Because this VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass is yours today for only $97.

But I won’t be leaving this offer on the table for long – here’s how much time you’ve got left before this page shuts down:


Get Exclusive Access To The VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass Now + Unlock 3 Bonus Real Estate “Deal Maker” Masterclasses!

My Prior Students Paid $3,000 For All This


JUST $47

And I’m giving away some outrageous FREE bonuses with it, too…

Because in addition to the VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass…

You’re unlocking the other THREE Masterclasses from that $3,000 program, too…

Which means you’ll get complete access to the entire, original 4-WEEK Real Estate Deal Maker Masterclass Series.

Here’s what you can expect in your LIMITED TIME BONUS PACKAGE:

Bonus #1: 

NOI Calculation

  • A full 2-hour workshop on how to calculate something that can make or break your deal: NET OPERATING INCOME
  • Discover my 22 pillars of successful real estate investing
  • Learn how to multiply & scale your investments

Bonus #2: 

Write A Great Offer Masterclass

  • A 1 hr 40 min masterclass on how to write an LOI (Letter of Intent)
  • Discover the FOUR essential components of how to make a great offer 
  • Learn my “Flip The Model” technique so you stand the best possible chance of getting your offer accepted

Bonus #3: 

Leverage Other People’s Money (OPM)

  • A full 1 hr 37 min masterclass on how to BORROW MONEY so you can invest in huge real estate deals
  • Discover the simple pen-and-paper trick that makes borrowing large sums of money MUCH easier for you
  • Learn the smart questions to ask so that your lenders believe you’re a serious, credible investor

As you soon as you place your order, my team will send you your account login details. And you’ll be able to access all of these masterclasses on a secure site.

I haven’t even revealed the best
part of this offer to you yet, though…

Because if you hurry & accept this deal, you’ll also qualify for a FREE Real Estate Strategy Call with a member of my team…

Note I said QUALIFY:

Because as you can see, this Strategy Call is limited to the first 100 people who respond to this offer.

If you’re quick enough to take one of the spots in my team’s calendar, you’ll get FREE access to one of the most valuable resources I can offer to a real estate investor.

One of my qualified advisors will assess where you are in your journey right now:

  • Whether you’ve underwritten some deals before and you’re looking for the best way to get in the game ASAP…
  • Whether you’re a more experienced investor seeking guidance on your next play, so you can step up to a higher level
  • Or whether you’re brand-new to real estate investing, and you’re unsure about what you need to do next to start generating some passive income

My team assesses each investor’s case individually, and gives you a FREE strategic plan based on where you are right now.

Execute this plan and your success is inevitable.

My team has to limit the number of slots available, though – after all, you’re dealing with real humans, not A.I bots!

That’s why these calls are priceless.

So here’s how to claim your Bonus Strategy call:

After you’ve placed your order…

You’ll see an opportunity to schedule your Strategy Session with my team on the next page.

If you DON’T see any slots available, try refreshing the page…

But it could mean these limited FREE calls have already been taken.

That’s why to avoid disappointment, you need to take advantage of this deal now:


JUST $47


PLUS: Claim your FREE Real Estate Strategy Call(Limited to first 100 applicants)

Now maybe you think I’m done with adding even more value to this offer for you…

But my mantra has always been “Overpromise, overdeliver.”

Which is why I’m taking away any risk for you here.

So, here’s the full offer again:

VIP Instant Underwriting Masterclass


NOI Calculation Masterclass


Make A Great Offer


Leverage Other People’s Money (OPM) Masterclass


Your FREE Real Estate Strategy Session


This is a complete no-brainer of a deal and we both know it.

Which is why I’m not going to give you a long time to think about it.

You’re only going to see this page once.

And as you can see — the clock is ticking here.

So now’s the time for you to make your decision…

PLUS: Claim your FREE Real Estate Strategy Call (Limited to first 100 applicants)


JUST $47


My Prior Students Paid $3,000 For All This

P.S. Now’s the BEST time to be leveling up your real estate game.

Because I predict the economy in 2024 is only going to get worse.

There’ll be folks losing their jobs. Investors are likely to lose money in the stock market. And there’s probably going to be lots of suffering ahead for many people.

The only “sure thing” investment you can make is real estate — because people will ALWAYS need a roof over their heads. No matter how bad the economy gets.

Real estate is the safest, lowest-risk, highest-return investment there is:


And you WILL know what you’re doing, guaranteed. Because I’ve taken care of all that for you today.

You have everything you need to ensure your success.

It’s all available to you 100% risk-free – you have 30 days to watch the masterclasses.

And if for some crazy reason you feel I under-delivered on my promises– you can have every dollar of your investment back, no questions asked.

I can’t make this deal any better than it is!
So hit that button now and take this deal before it goes offline.

*Please read this disclaimer:

This content is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. Before investing, you should always do your own analysis based on your own financial and personal circumstances before making any investment. Grant Cardone is an industry expert who has been investing for over 30 years and his opinion is based solely on his own personal experience and circumstances. Individual results may vary. You should perform your own due diligence and seek the advice from a professional to verify any information on our website or materials that you are relying upon if you choose to make an investment. Investment involves great risk and there is no guarantee of performance or results. We are not attorneys, investment advisers, accountants, tax professionals or financial advisers and any of the content presented should not be taken as professional advice. We recommend seeking the advice of a financial professional before you invest, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur.
At Cardone Enterprises we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.
Cardone Training Technologies | 1-800-368-5771 | 18909 NE 29th Ave Aventura FL 33180
© Cardone Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.